A new version of Asmi Linux with GNOME 47 desktop is now available.
[Read More]Asmi 24.10
ChronShield BETA 2
ChronShield BETA 2 is now available.
ChronShield is a new system restore tool similar to Timeshift that uses BorgBackup for storage instead of using Rsync or BTRFS snapshots.
[Read More]ChronShield BETA
A BETA version of ChronShield is now available.
ChronShield is a new system restore tool similar to Timeshift that uses BorgBackup for storage instead of using Rsync or BTRFS snapshots.
[Read More]ChronShield - Feature Comparison
ChronShield and Timeshift are system restore utilities for Linux that create a snapshot of system files.
ChronShield creates system snapshots using BorgBackup.
Timeshift creates system snapshots using Rsync and BTRFS snapshots.
[Read More]ChronShield - System Restore Tool
ChronShield is a system restore application for Linux that creates a snapshot of system files using BorgBackup. Snapshots can be restored later to reset the system to a previous date. This is useful to recover from software issues such as bad system updates, bad kernel updates, failed release upgrades, and other misconfiguration.
You can create a snapshot of the system before making any major changes, and rollback easily in case of problems.
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Asmi v24.04.1
Refreshed ISOs for Asmi v24.04.1 are now available.
These ISOs are meant for new installations. If you are running Asmi v24.04 then you are already up-to-date.
[Read More]Homi v24.08
New Website
The maintenance that was planned for this weekend is now complete.
The main website is now powered by Hugo which is a framework for generating static websites. The new website is static and composed entirely of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There is no WordPress, SQL database, or other technologies involved. This makes the webpage light-weight and quick to load.
The previous WordPress site is still available at store.teejeetech.com. You can visit the store if you wish to purchase licenses for software.
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