Apex VM Manager v25.02

Apex v25.02 is now available with major fixes and improvements.

Apex is a tool for creating and managing Libvirt/KVM virtual machines. It provides a GUI that is easy to use and provides options to create disk snapshots, and to merge or discard changes in “undo” disks.

What’s New

Toolbar Changes

Toolbars now display all available actions instead of showing only major actions. This makes it easier for new users to discover actions instead of having to rely on the right-click context menu.

Toolbars now have a flat style.

Disk Toolbar

Disk Toolbar

More Viewers

There are now more options to view the desktop for a running VM.

Click the Viewer button to view the VM with Virt-Viewer. Clicking the Fullscreen button will open Virt-Viewer in a fullscreen window. A floating toolbar is displayed at the top which is useful to minimize or unmaximize the window.

Click the Remmina button to view the desktop with Remmina Remote Desktop Client. Clicking the Fullscreen button will open Remmina in a fullscreen window. A floating toolbar is displayed at the top which is useful to minimize or unmaximize the window.

View VM with Virt-Viewer or Remmina

View VM with Virt-Viewer or Remmina

Create VM Changes

Creating a VM is now easier than before. Default values will be populated for VM Name and OS Type. You can just click Create to create the VM, or change the default values if needed. Settings will be retained for the next session.

UI layout has been improved. Actions have been moved to the headerbar.

More warnings were added for invalid selections. For example, you will get a warning if the disk size is larger than the free disk space on the host system.

Create VM window

Create VM window

Other Changes

  • Fix: VM size incorrectly includes the size of attached ISO image file
  • Fix: Opening the Viewer window can sometimes cause the UI to freeze
  • Fix: Creating a new VM can sometimes cause the UI to freeze if the operation fails.
  • Check and fix owner of /dev/kvm, when VM is opened or created
  • CreateVM: Show CPU description as vCPUs instread of CPU Cores.
  • Create trial version

Trial Version

A trial version of Apex can be installed using the command below:


wget -O - https://packages.teejeetech.com/install-apex-trial.sh | bash


wget -O - https://packages.teejeetech.com/uninstall-apex-trial.sh | bash

The trial version is just a demo and will expire after sometime. Upgrade to the full version for all features.


A personal license for Apex is available from the link below. This is a single-user license with perpetual validity and includes future updates.

See also