Updates - Jan 12

This is summary of updates for different apps.

TinyTools v25.01.2

TinyTools v25.01.2 was released with some improvements. [ Donate ]

Video Shrink

  • A quick test will be run to check which encoders are supported by the GPU.
  • Fallback to using CPU encoding using SVT-AV1 if GPU does not support HEVC encoding.
  • Add “Show log” button in the headerbar to view system info
  • Audio will be encoded using Opus instead of AAC
  • Button for viewing the log for each file will be shown for both success and error.
TinyTools v25.01.2

TinyTools v25.01.2

FlashIt v25.01

FlashIt v25.01 was released with some minor changes. [ Buy ]

FlashIt v25.01

FlashIt v25.01

Neolite v25.01

Neolite v25.01 was released with some minor changes. [ Buy ]

Neolite v25.01

Neolite v25.01

Servo v25.01

Servo v25.01 was released with some improvements. [ Buy ]

A button was added to the headerbar to view the services running at boot. This functionality was present in the GTK3 version. Now it is also added in the GTK4 version.

Servo v25.01

Servo v25.01

See also