This is summary of updates for different apps.
TinyTools v25.01.2
TinyTools v25.01.2 was released with some improvements. [ Donate ]
Video Shrink
- A quick test will be run to check which encoders are supported by the GPU.
- Fallback to using CPU encoding using SVT-AV1 if GPU does not support HEVC encoding.
- Add “Show log” button in the headerbar to view system info
- Audio will be encoded using Opus instead of AAC
- Button for viewing the log for each file will be shown for both success and error.
Servo v25.01
Servo v25.01 was released with some improvements. [ Buy ]
A button was added to the headerbar to view the services running at boot. This functionality was present in the GTK3 version. Now it is also added in the GTK4 version.