New Website

The maintenance that was planned for this weekend is now complete.

The main website is now powered by Hugo which is a framework for generating static websites. The new website is static and composed entirely of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There is no WordPress, SQL database, or other technologies involved. This makes the webpage light-weight and quick to load.

The previous WordPress site is still available at You can visit the store if you wish to purchase licenses for software.

There’s a new Products page that lists all paid apps, and a FOSS page that lists all free and open-source apps.

Please send an email to [email protected] if you have questions.


  1. Comments are powered by Disqus. Most websites these days use Disqus for discussion so if you are logged-in to any of these websites, you can leave a comment at without having to login again.

  2. You can do a guest checkout when purchasing software from There is no need to login or create an account. Since the license details are sent by email and not visible on the website, creating an account does not provide any additional benefit. You can send an email to [email protected] if you lose the license information or if you need any assistance.

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