Introducing Appy

Appy is an app for managing Debian packages, Flatpaks, Snaps, and AppImages on Ubuntu 24.04 and Debian 12.


Manage Debian Packages

The Packages tab displays a list of all packages. The list can be filtered to show installed packages, dependencies, locally-installed packages, etc.

You can also:

  • Download DEB packages from the repo to your Downloads folder
  • Place a hold on packages to prevent changes
Debian Packages

Debian Packages

The Update tab displays available updates and highlights differences in the version numbers. Click the History button to view the history of installed and removed packages.

Install Updates

Install Updates

Manage Repositories

The Sources tabs displays all installed third-party repositories. Distribution repositories are hidden for safety.

You can:

  • Add and remove repositories
  • Enable and disable repositories without removing packages
  • Edit repository file
  • Browse packages in specific repository
  • View and remove public keys
Apt Repositories

Apt Repositories

The repository editor can be used to convert between .list and .sources format and to make changes to the repository configuration.

You can also embed the public key into the .sources file or move it to a separate file.

Edit repository file

Edit repository file

Manage Flatpaks

The Available tab displays all available Flatpak packages. You can filter the list by typing in the searchbox. Results are displayed instantly.

Verified Flatpaks are displayed with a green checkmark.

The Verified status only means that the Flatpak was packaged by the application developer. It does not mean that the app is safe !!

Unverified Flatpaks are packaged by someone other than the application

Browse Flatpaks

Browse Flatpaks

The Remotes tab displays a list of installed remotes.

You can:

  • Add and Remove Flatpak remotes
  • Browse packages in specific remote
  • Enable, Disable, or Block Flatpak support
Flatpak Remotes

Flatpak Remotes

The Run tab displays a list of installed apps.

You can:

  • Launch installed applications
  • Run Flatpak in terminal to view error messages
Run Flatpak

Run Flatpak

Manage Snaps

The Available tab displays all available Snap packages. You can filter the list by typing in the searchbox. Results are displayed instantly.

Verified Snaps are displayed with a green checkmark in Publisher column.

Browse Snaps

Browse Snaps

The Installed tab displays installed Snap packages. You can select and remove packages or use the Auto-Remove button to remove obsolete package versions and runtimes.

View installed snaps

View installed snaps

Manage AppImages

Appy uses AppImageLauncher to integrate AppImage files with the desktop.

Integrated AppImage files will be listed with an option to run or remove the file.

View installed appimages

View installed appimages

Try Appy

A trial version of Appy can be installed using the command below:


wget -O - | bash


wget -O - | bash

Note: The trial version is just a demo and will expire after sometime. Upgrade to the full version to install and remove packages.


A personal license for Appy is available from the link below. This is a single-user license with perpetual validity and includes future updates.

See also