Change power limits of Ryzen mobile CPUs in laptops and Mini-PCs. Benchmark CPU performance using SysBench and PassMark.
ZenWatt v24.05
ZenWatt v24.05 is now available.
ZenWatt is an app for changing the power limit and thermal limit of Ryzen mobile CPUs in laptops and Mini-PCs. It is powered by the RyzenAdj utility.
[Read More]Asmi 24.04 Released
Asmi 24.04 Release Notes
UKUU v24.04
Baqpaq v24.03
Aptik 24.02
Asmi Linux - Ubuntu Remix with Xfce Desktop
Remixed version of Ubuntu without Snaps and Flatpaks. It aims to provide a modern desktop with better defaults.
Battery Monitor
Battery monitor for laptops. Displays detailed statistics for battery life, remaining capacity, and charge/discharge rate.
GitHub Page (Archived)